Well, how the hell are ya?
Yeah, as usual, my updates are years apart, but I thought I might bring you guys back up to date a little on what's happening with our fam.
I guess this should get top billing, we had a daughter! Hannah was born on March 16th, 2013 and has made me one proud poppa. She's such a happy baby, always smiling and learning now how to laugh. I love it and I'm a complete sucker for her smile. Pics, you say? Oh, I've got pics, buddy. Believe it. She's in daycare now, and growing so fast it's killing me. I admit that things aren't as....intense the second go 'round as far as the initial worries go when having a kid. I'm a little more seasoned now and don't sweat the small shit as much, but the emotional bonding is still so amazing to me. How strong it is...won't go babbling off on that mushy parent stuff again, but just know that I'm the luckiest dad alive.
Connor is doing amazing as well. He's 6 now...lost his two front teeth and has grown so much...it's just crazy. His personality is so similar to mine in some ways (so very frustratingly so), and in ways so much like my wife. He's pushing his independance more these days, and doing well at it, but it's hard for me to judge sometimes exactly where he's at, maturity wise. He's 6, but at times, acts 15, and I sometimes forget that he's only just 6. Regardless, he's also my the other half of my pride & joy and seriously know I'm blessed beyond what I deserve to have such an amazing kid(s) and family.
Anyway, I mentioned pics right? Buckle up, buck-o: