Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WTF is going on?

Breaking from the normal theme here, I figure I would talk about something that is just really getting to me lately, and thought I would share with you.

Our government is out of control.

I'll go ahead and let you know upfront that I'm a conservative. Very proudly one actually, but I think, if you're into the whole berevity thing, the closest official monicher I could come with in 5 minutes is "Libertarian Constitutionalist".

Just listening to the news, which I keep telling myself I am going to stop doing, just gets me so torqued up I want to punch puppies. Just punch them right in the face. Everything that they're doing in Washington is just so completely against anything that I think is right, but yet they continue to move forward with it. It isn't just me. I'm not the only one...millions of people are showing "their displeasure" a.k.a. "they're majorly pissed", but Congress & the Senate continue to move to the beat of their own drum, despite what their constituents say. Its as if our voice has been completely silenced and we're here to do as they see fit, and they'll tell us when they're damn good and ready.

Its insulting, is what it really is. They honest to God believe that they know better than anyone else in the country and whatever we may think just does not matter. I can just see them, soflty patting me on the head; "Awww...bless you!! Aren't you so cute with your little opinions and principles....just adorable!! Yes, you are...who's a lil smarty Marty?? You are!!! Now run along...go be a good consumer and pay your taxes...thats patriotic by the way!!!

Ugh...and then there is the liberal slant that all media outlets have, aside from Fox. CNN & MSNBC are just down vomit inducing. The hypocrisy is just rampant and maddeningly frustrating as well. They rail on the conservatives & the GOP for any and every issue that they can dig out, while seeming to just look the other direction when it comes to their own affairs. The double standard is infuriating and it just makes me wonder (not that I really honestly believed much from any news org in the first place), but how much of this stuff we here is real news and how much of it is fabricated to push public sentiment one way or another, furthering the goals of whoever's agenda. Maybe this is old hat and has been the way it works forever, but I guess I am just getting old enough to realize how many people are swayed by "popular opinion" and it scares the crap out of me. It REALLY is a form of control.

Kill your television.

Lately there has been prime example after prime example of the media's liberal slant and again giving this administration a free pass. The stimulus bill that Mr. Obama just signed into existence today. $400+ B-B-Billion more dollars that we get to foot the bill for. What happened to his transparency policy? What happened to the promises of posting these things to some magical internet page and allowing the public to see these bills? What about earmark reform, and not doing business as usual? Every single one of these items has been an outright lie, straight from the get go. I could live with these transgressions a little more, if the media weren't seeming to just turn a blind eye towards it all. Where is the media frenzy regarding Obama's appointees? What about Geithner? Daschle? Kirk? If this had been on the other side of the, you could see the feeding frenzy from space, I'd imagine. Nancy Pelosi's head would explode at the sheer excitement of being able to hold a press conference on any one Repub. appointee, and the Obama admin. has about 4 so far (w/ 2 more who just dropped out a few days ago; whether due to issues of their own finances or just no longer interested is unclear) and nary a whisper, other than the Dem's feel that things are on hold a little too long.

Despite whether you agree with this or not, the point remains that the media has just entirely given this administration a pass, and is refusing to stand up and ask the real questions. At least keep the playing field level. Lets drop the double standard and make sure we hold the right people accountable, regardless of what side of the isle they may be on.

Automakers: Waaaay back before we spent billions to save the auto industries. When all of this started, I didn't like it at all, but thought that maybe I was the one who was wrong, as I thought GM going bankrupt sounded like the right thing to happen. The unions and the retirees from those unions were the ones draining the business of any profitability. If those people had any sense, LONG AGO they would have seen the writing on the wall and agreed to renegotiate those deals so that they could continue to get SOMETHING for the rest of their life, but no. Just like a parasite to its host, they're just going to suck everything it can get out of it until it dies....and what does a parasite do at that point? You got it...find another host. Helloooo Uncle Sam.

Dear GM,

In my few years on this planet, I've discover a few rules for doing business that I think you might useful. Feel free to place them through your workplace next to the inspirational (and motivational!) pictures through out your plants:

If your business model sucks, you go under.

If you make really bad business choices, you go under.

If you make a bad product that competitors are able to make better and for less money, you go under.


That's how business works. What ISN'T supposed to happen is you come before the Federal Govt., hat in hand, to ask for MY money to bail you out. If I lost my job, do you think GM would give me a car so that I can get back to work? I actually think I am going to go ahead and swing by my local GM dealer and see if I can either get a test drive in my new car I just bought, or at least some soothing balm...lube...Prep H...sometihng, because my ass STILL hurts from the reaming they just gave me and the entire country. Oh...and now, I hear rumor that they're coming around and saying that, despite what their experts said and the business plans that they came up with, they're again saying that they need some more to stay afloat, but despite how much ever you give us....MAYBE..just maybe bankruptcy is going to be the best option.


Like I said...its out of control, and all I can pray for is someone to rise up out of somewhere, someone who really gets it, is really in it for the good of the country, not just his/her party, personal gain, or personal agenda, or else we can kiss this country and anything you know about it goodbye. My son is going to grow up and be paying our fair is that?

Palin 2012?

(No puppies were actually harmed during the writing of this

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