Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010 and Political Goodness!

Well, these elections just went swimmingly, didn't they? I was really glad to see the Republicans come back so fiercely, but also inspired by the success of the Tea Party candidates like Rand Paul; especially after the MSM tried to push a video of a girl supposedly getting a beat down from Rand Paul supporters, when in fact she rushed the car and they were trying to detain her.

I guess my mind doesn't work that way, but I'm always surprised at the never ending spin the media will try and put on a story to make it slant one way or another...this case being a prime example, when you can actually watch the video and see they weren't "stomping" her. Their portrayal is misleading as hell, but they have no accountability, so don't have to own up to the fact they were wrong when the actual truth is revealed. They just hope that those who did read the article don't read anything further on the topic. In fact, I'm pretty sure they count on it.

Along this same vein, watching the coverage of the elections last night, I flipped it over to MSNBC and after the initial shock of what I was hearing from Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, I had myself a good laugh. They acted completely oblivious to the goings on of the other races, and concentrated solely on the Nevada Senatorial race with Reid, and the victories in California. I couldn't believe it, and literally laughed out loud when Rachel stated that the Republicans must be scratching their heads wondering how they got "creamed" tonight. It was laughable and more than a little pathetic, but I really expect nothing more from the likes of them, and Bill Mahar falls right into that category as well.

Hopefully this will be a positive move for the country. The R's have the shot at really making a difference here, and exposing the Obama camp for the absolute sham I feel they are, but I'm worried that the same "THESE PEOPLE LOVE US" mindset may creep into the R's heads as well, and we end up right where we were before. Time shall tell, I suppose.

I would also like to congratulate the new Congressman from Florida, LTC Allen West. Keep your eye on this guy. I expect great things from him and wouldn't be surprised to see him in a Presidential bid around 2016.

Alright, enough of all that, Halloween was great around the house this year!

Connor went Trick Or Treating for the second time this year, and was pretty good at it. We got him decked out as a UGA Football Recruit In Training. As you can see, he had the eye black, wrist (arm for him) bands and the sweet UGA Jersey, the same number as a one Mr. A.J. Green.

Tres cool.

I had to get him going at first, but he quickly got in the mood. After a few houses, we came upon a large group of kid s all going together, and this kinda freaked him out, so from that point, he was hidden behind my leg and pretty much done with the whole thing.

At that point, we headed for the house, kicked off our shoes, watched the Incredibles while he ran back and forth to the door whenever a T0T'er showed up. He got his sugar buzz on, acted crazy and didn't want to go to bed, but...the good thing about a sugar buzz, is that there is also a sugar crash. He was out in no time, once we got him down.

We actually have an awesome video
of us carving the pumpkins on the back patio (which you can see to the right. Left to right is mine, the wife's and the kiddo's...and I actually had to clean them up off the front porch this morning before work, as they'd started to fall in on themselves....gross), but the video is absolutely the other half and myself anyway. At one point, Connor is laughing and clapping his hands, and almost can't stop laughing.

Cracks us up every time we watch it.

Good times and a great memory.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday Season...since there is no telling when my next update will be forth coming!! Til next time.

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